the little ghost
– a catwalk concert for children –
The Little Ghost is an innovative theatre play and concert for children inspired by German author Otfried Preussler's popular tale. It brings a serious as well as an entertaining approach to the adventures of the Little Ghost who appears on stage in the form of an animated video projection while 3 actors and 12 singers in extraordinary costumes perform a set of songs written and composed specifically for this performance. Yet, it is not a musical or an ordinary musical play for children. Due to the creative process which has become the trademark of Catwalk Concert Productions, here The Little Ghost is turned into a kind of fairy-tale opera scenario, which fulfills two important aspects of our work: break the original storyline down into abstract fragments suitable for costumes and music but, at the same time, keep the cohesion of the story.
Thanks to a variety of creative costumes that make use of the most different materials, the very performers are turned into a sort of live set design. In this visual setting, an Owl guides us through the touching story of the Little Ghost and the mysteries of day- and nighttime come alive in spectacular and humorous scenes: a Pacman game projected on the set representing an underground labyrinth-sewage system, a slow motion road crash of vehicle-costumes, a fireman saving people from a well, the narrator-Owl stealing fish from the fish vendor's skirt, and the adventures of the clock running late, just to mention a few.Fruzsina Nagy costume designer and Dóra Halas musician have been collaborating with each other since 2015 to produce performances they have come to call catwalk concerts, a new genre somewhere between theatre, a choral concert, and an extreme fashion show. Their performances are thematic and involve a group of performers who display Fruzsina’s lively, innovative, storytelling costumes on a catwalk-like stage while singing contemporary compositions written for the specific scenes. In this way, the music and the costumes themselves become the two main forms of art prevailing on stage, adding up to a new scope of theater.
The Little Ghost is the production group's first play for children and it was made following an invitation from Luzerner Theater (Switzerland). Considering its repercussion in the media and the audience, we can now say that catwalk concert, this new genre of the performing arts, is perfectly capable of providing an entertaining theatre experience for children and their parents alike.
magyar nyelvű leírás
A kis szellem egy olyan gyerekeknek szóló formabontó előadás, amely Otfried Preussler német gyerekkönyvszerző nagy sikerű meséjét dolgozza fel egyszerre komolyan és játékosan egy videó animáció formájában színpadra vetített kis szellem kalandjain keresztül, különösen látványos jelmezekkel és külön erre az előadásra írt és komponált dalokkal. Mégsem musicalről, vagy egy átlagos zenés gyerekelőadásról van szó, hiszen. A kis szellem meséje itt az alkotói folyamat során egyfajta tündérmese-opera cselekményvázzá alakult át, amiben az eredeti cselekmény absztrakt vizuális és zenei formát ölt, megtartva a történet koherenciáját és érthetőségét. Ennek megfelelően az előadást három színész és 12 énekes adja elő.
A legkülönbözőbb anyagokat felhasználó, kreatív jelmezeknek köszönhetően pedig maguk az előadók mintegy élő színpadképet alkotnak. Az így alkotott látványvilágban egy Bagoly kalauzol minket végig a kis szellem történetén; a nappali és éjszakai világ rejtelmein, amelyek olyan izgalmas képekben elevenednek meg, mint egy földalatti csatornarendszer-labirintust megjelenítő Pacman játék, jelmez-járművek lassított ütközése egy közlekedési forgatagban, kútból embereket kimentő tűzoltó, halárus szoknyájáról horgászbottal halat lopó Bagoly vagy az önmaga is elkéső óra komikus figurája.
Nagy Fruzsina jelmeztervező és Halas Dóra karnagy/zeneszerző 2015 óta hoznak létre közösen általuk a catwalk-koncert műfajába sorolt előadásokat, melyben a kórushangzásra épülő koncertélmény találkozik az extrém divatbemutatók látványvilágával. Tematikus előadásaikban énekesek viselik Nagy Fruzsina egyedi, élő, mesélő jelmezeit a divatbemutatók kifutójára emlékeztető színpadon, miközben a Halas Dóra által megkomponált, jelenet- és témaspecifikus kortárs kóruskompozíciókat adják elő.
A kis szellem a Catwalk Concert Productions első gyerekelőadása, ami a svájci Luzerner Theater megrendelésére készült és bebizonyította, hogy ez az innovációs műfaj gyerekelőadásként is sikerrel tud új színházi élményt nyújtani gyerekeknek és szüleiknek egyaránt.
- összezár -
Direction: Fruzsina Nagy, Dóra Halas
Music: Dóra Halas
Costumes and Set Design: Fruzsina Nagy
Set Design Assistant: Sophie Köhler
Animation: François Chalet
Lyrics: Lisa Brunner
Sound design and music: Márk Bartha
Light Design: Clemens Gorzella
Choreography: Emese Cuhorka
Dramaturgy and Prosaic Texts: Gábor Thury
Christian Baus (Uhu Suhu)
Lukas Darnstädt (Torsten Torstenson, Fireman, Police Officer, Cook, Mayor, Watchmaker)
Nina Langensand (Jutta)
Lisa Brunner (Little Ghost)
Lucerne City Choir (Choir)

Dóra Halas, leader of the Soharóza choral ensemble, a Rezső Lantos-awarded conductor, received her doctorate (DLA) at the Liszt Academy of Budapest in 2013. Together with her earlier choirs she is the winner of several international choir competitions and conductor prizes and has also participated at such events as member of the jury. The theme of her DLA dissertation was choral improvisation, from which her current research topic arose: experimenting with collective choral composition and as such expanding the limits of traditional choir music. Her main artistic interest lies in multidisciplinary performances, where she can combine the elements and values of her choral ensemble with that of other arts. As conductor, singer and composer she has worked in numerous theatre and dance productions, among them under the direction of Róbert Alföldi (Hungarian National Theatre), Árpád Schilling (Krétakör), Viktor Bodó (Szputnyik Theatre Company), Roland Rába (Radnóti Theatre), Gábor Goda (Artus). She has also founded and led several avantgarde singing groups. She was the Music Office Manager of the Europa Cantat International Choral Festival at Pécs in 2015. She currently lives in Vienna, but continues to work on a regular basis with her choir and colleagues in Budapest.

Fruzsina Nagy started her career in alternative theatre productions and over the past decade she has directed several individual performances using costumes as the ”main characters” on stage. She has worked with Árpád Schilling at the Krétakör theatre company, Róbert Alföldi at the Hungarian National Theater, Tamás Ascher and Gábor Máté at the József Katona Theatre, Viktor Bodó at the Szputnyik Theatre Company and many others, including international performances in Graz, Basel, Cologne, Vienna, Zurich and Heidelberg. She is highly interested in the relationship between the human body and its surrounding world, working with costumes, masks, make-up, fashion and visuals. She gained “Best Costume and Mask Award” at the Hungarian POSzT festival in 2009 and 2013 and was chosen "Costume Designer of the Year" in 2016 with her Taboo Collection costumes.

The Lucerne City Choir (LCC) is a choir from Lucerne. It exists since January 2017 and is run by its founder Simon Sommer. The choir consists of 20 young singers who share a passion for music. The LCC masters a wide range of musical styles: from classical works and Swiss folk music to musical and modern pop songs, the choir offers an exciting and extensive repertoire. Another special feature of the LCC is the support of their talented solo singers, who present their skills at the concerts. This gives each concert a greater depth and makes a unique experience out of every LCC performance. Members: Joanna Sommer De Almeida, Isabelle Kathrin Braun, Adila Samera Choudry, Lea Melitta Estermann, Anna Fischer, Isabel Gutierrez Halef, Sibylle Hasenberger, Petra Infanger, Livia Mirijam Liebrand, Rachel Marti, Sandra Purtschert, Nino Marco Renggli, Tamara von Rotz, Simon Sommer (choir conductor), Milena Maria Zumbühl
"I really liked the performance, every moment of it was of superbly high standards."
Ascher, Tamás
"I am lucky to live in a country where such things as this performance are born."
Alföldi, Róbert
"It was heart-breaking and elevating at the same time, very extraordinary indeed."
Fekete, Katalin
"The best thing about it is that the choir members, besides carrying out even the most extreme tasks professionally, still remain completely human full of soul!"
Herczku, Ágnes
"The French have Gaultier who does such extreme things visually, but this was even more than that."
Csonka, András
"I am charmed, it was brilliant, smart, cruel, beautiful, sarcastic and sour. "
Csanádi, Judit
"You stretched the boundaries of genre; the costumes and the scenery were in my opinion world-class, it was free and artistic in an exemplary way!"
Zeke, Edit
" could fill up the well-known, ‘stereotype’ format of the catwalk with such rich content and experience..."
Lökös, Ildikó
"It was simply just marvelous theatre. Top of Europe! "
Sándor, Erzsi
"I have seen many theatre plays, but I rarely felt the urge to run backstage to talk with the makers."
Somogyi, Gábor
"You are the most decisive vanguards of the heart chakra society that I have seen so far."
Liska, János